Training & Events

Welcome to the STORYCODE teacher training course

Narrative Coding in Kindergarten and Primary School.

Designing, implementing, and evaluating narrative coding practices in the classroom.

You can download the course syllabus for teachers in English, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, and Lithuanian. The course is free and open for teachers of kindergarten and primary school.

For registrarion, assistance, and information, please contact us at the email address

Log in for the teacher's training course

Dissemination events

01/2024WP2 - Teacher training course - Italy: STRIPES Onlus.
- Nederlands: Learning Hub Friesland.
- Lithuania: Kauno Simono Daukanto progimnazija.
- Spain: Universidad Europea de Madrid.
- Italy: Compueter Learning
10/2024WP3 - Webinar on coding and media education in childhood- Italy: Computer Learning.
- Nederlands: Learning Hub Friesland.
- Lithuania: Kauno Simono Daukanto progimnazija.
- Spain: Fundación Educativa Francisco Coll.
07/2025Edulearn Conference in Spain. - Spain: Universidad Europea de Madrid.
08/2026WP5 - Narrative coding guidelines - Italy: Computer Learning.
- Nederlands: Learning Hub Friesland.
- Lithuania: Kauno Simono Daukanto progimnazija.
- Spain: Fundación Educativa Francisco Coll.